Weekly Study Notes
The beginning of Genesis holds many foundational truths for us. If we do not believe the front of the Bible, how can we believe the back of it?
The story of Noah brings hope to all of mankind. We see the corruption of man repeat and salvation, once again arise through Abram.
Abram and Sara are called by G-d to be set apart for Him. They are the foundation that His people will be built on. We follow the move, growth, and promises that accompany the father of our faith.
This page is dedicated to those who are serious about learning the end from the beginning. These are a culmination of my years of study. There are things I have picked up as well as the L-rd has shown me. Over the years, it becomes difficult to remember how or where some things were learned. I do note all ideas that were directly learned from an individual, when remembered. This is in no way a formal lesson, but intended to be used as a spring board in your personal study. The Shepherd's Rest is happy to share what we have learned with you along our journey. Please note that the pages are riddled with typoes and grammatical errors, as well as filled with wonderful information.
The promise of the seed is shared with Sarah, now that her name has been changed. The L-rd visits Abraham and Sodom, with opposite results. Two nations are born from the tradegy with Lot, and another nation from the promise with Abraham.
After Abraham proves his love by willing to give Isaac, Sarah's death is reported and Isaac prepares for his bride brought by Abraham's servant.
The story of Jacob and Esau begin as does the blight of Jacob.
Jacob begin's his journey and travels with the promise of G-d's protection. He finds his brides and strengthens his family through the birth of 11 boys and a girl.
The time of visitation that Joseph spoke of in Genesis 50 has come. As Israel calls out for the L-rd, He heeds their call and the plan to redeem them moves further along. Through Moses, the patterns of Messiah take on a life of thier own.