Purim is a fun time to dress up and celebrate the work of the L-rd through Ester the Queen of Pursia. Did you know that G-d is never mentioned in the book of Ester? But His hidden presence gives hope to all in dark times. Ester 9:27-28 Israel is commanded to celebrate and give thanks to G-d for their salvation. We too in solidarity with Israel celebrate this time of year by reading the book of Ester and commemorating how G-d controls ALL THINGS! After a night of reading and games, we watch the movie, "A Night With the King".
Here is a short video explaining the Story of Ester and Purim, the casting of lots. Click Here for the video

Hanukkah is another national celebration. It commemorates the restoring of the Temple in 168 BC. It is also called the Feast of Dedication. We find in John 10:22 that Yeshua, Jesus, participated in the festival as well. Well, if He did it...that is good enough for me! Hanukkah is also known as the celebration of lights. It is during this 8 days that the rain of the flood stopped and the rainbow is believed to have appeared. But the most important part of this week is this is calculated to be the time that the Holy Spirit visited Mary in Luke 1:30-35. Meaning that she conceived the Messiah during the Festival of LIghts! What a perfect time for the Light of the World to be conceived. We celebrate His light and rededicate ourselves as part of His living Temple. It is a time of rejoicing and reflection.
Here is a short video with a quick summary of the holiday. click here